every day is a new adventure

  • Finn and I asleep on the couch in what was my office in the basement. My hoodie acts as a make-shift sleep mask.

One of the craziest parts of liver failure is how much it can mess with my sleep schedule. Every day is a constant battle. I am either wired and can’t sleep… or I am exhausted and can never get enough sleep.

Somedays, I am so tired I will sleep off and on throughout the day. This typically is coupled with a headache and the inability to focus on things. It is frustrating to be in this state becouse I constantly feel like my days are wasted away.

Other days, I can’t sleep at all. I go to bed at a reasonable time, but will be up until 4am…. 5am.. sometimes even past 6am. When this happens, I push myself to get up around 9am. And try to get back on to a decent schedule, But it doesn’t always work out that way.

Then there are the anomaly days. There are some days where I feel… semi normal. No concussion, no sleep issues and everything seems to be working great. Unfortunately this doesn’t last. I wish there was a way to bottle these good days and save them for a rainy day.

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